Spring Time Automotive Tips

Spring has officially arrived and the warmer weather is just right around the corner! With each change of the season comes time to prepare your care for the weather ahead. Prepping your car for winter is a lot different than getting it ready for springtime. Keeping your care in tune for spring as well as any other season will ensure your vehicle lives a long and healthy life. Below we’ll go over 5 ways you can prepare your car for the warmer weather ahead especially after the winter months tend to deliver a beating on your vehicle.
Wash your car: This may sound a little obvious but the salt from the winter months has been proven to damage your car’s undercarriage over time. Giving your car a good washing will remove the harmful salt from underneath your vehicle as well as it’s painted. It’s up to you as to how far you want to go but throwing a fresh coat of wax on your vehicle’s paint really helps to preserve it and also leaves it looking fresh and sleek in the sun.

Check the alignment: Those nasty potholes can not only blow out a tire but they can throw off your vehicle’s alignment. With improper alignment, your vehicle may tend to wear out tires even quicker costing you more money shortly down the road. If your car is even slightly pulling to the left or right, you may have an alignment issue and should have it professionally adjusted.

Check your brakes: Obviously stopping when it is wet and icy out on the roads is important but often times we don’t think about how the salt on the roads may corrode and eat away at your vehicle’s brakes. If you hear a grinding sound while braking, you may be in need of a new set of brakes.

Check your tire pressure: When it’s colder outside out tires will naturally deflate a little. This means we add air to them to get them in their normal pressure range. When it gets warmer they’ll naturally inflate which could mean your tires are actually overinflated now. This leaves you prone to a higher risk of blowing out a tire especially before those pesky potholes are fixed.

Examine your wiper blades: The winter months can wreak havoc on your wiper blades from ice on your windshield to the corrosive salt that’s been on the roads. The spring months tend to get a lot of rain which means it may be necessary to replace those beat up wiper blades with a new pair.

For all of your car maintenance and repair services and needs, contact Bob’s Auto Repair to get the job done quickly and for the best price around. We look forward to serving you and keeping your car lasting long on the road. 215-343-1255.

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